Monday, May 12, 2008

Lets Punish Him, but why?

Let me lay the foundation of this story. Ok 2 years ago, a 16 year old girl, was missing alot of school. It all stems from the time that the girl spent with her mother. The times she stayed with her mother, she skipped school. The times she lived her father, she didn't skip school. Well her father had custody of her and was "in charge" of her education according to the state.

She missed too many days and i guess her dad was charged with her truancy. Well the judge told the man that he had to ensure that his daughter get an education (whether it be in regular school or GED) or he would held responsible by the state.

Now skip ahead to now. the young woman is now 18 and took her GED test. She failed the math portion of the test. Her dad is now going to have to spend the next 180 days behind bars for her not recieving the education that the state mandated.

There are two things that irrate me here. One, why is her dad being punished for what she does when she is an adult? Two, why is the state pursueing this?

Well the father should not be punished for what his daughter did, it is shown that the young woman was in her mother's care during the times of truancy. Why wasn't the mother held responsible 2 years ago when the young woman was a minor? Instead of the father.

Now let give a disclaimer here before i continue. I feel that education is important to the advancement of a society. I feel that the better education you have the more oportunities you will have in life.

With that said, there are some people that don' care to go through the school system. These same people are just wasting space in the classroom if they do not want to be there. So in my response to the second question above. i feel the state should not have the right to decide whether a person has an education or not. It is the person's right ( and their parent if they are under the "legal" age). If the person knows the risks of not having an education and still decides that it is not something they want, then that is their right. It is a right that has consequences, but it is nonetheless a right.

Look back in the history of this country and you will see that the "truancy" card wasn't pushed by government until the last 100 years when government education grabbed control in this country. And prior to that this country did just fine with the education of children by churches and parents.

The government wants to control the schools so that they have the control to endoctrinate your child into believing what the government is telling them. If you are told over and over that someone is doing something good for you, you will not be able to see that they are slowing poisoning you, and controlling you. Why do think that officials in this country want to do away with home schooling? Because they want the control of what your kids are taught. How many times in school were you bombarded with the teaching that FDR was one of, if not the, greatest president in this countries history? But yet they fail to tell you the Socialist mentality and agenda he brought into government, one that still plagues us today.

Its time to stand up and demand that this man be given back his freedom, demand that this young woman have the right to decide whether she wants the education or not, demand that we have the right to teach our children as we see fit, and finally demand that the government get rid of the indoctrinational brainwashing of our children.

Viva Liberty!

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