Saturday, May 17, 2008

Good Lip Service, GW

As most of you have read, G Dubya was meeting with the Saudi government officials yesterday about bumping up oil production to help with the cost of oil, and the strain on the American economy. The Saudi's responded back saying that the cost of oil was not their fault and boosting production would not help the situation. I totally agree with them.

Well today the president spoke about what needed to happen to bring the prices down. It is truly remarkable that the administration could come up with a TRUE solution to the problem, but is it only lip service. The president stated that the only thing that would help bring prices down is to pump more of our own supply, and to boosting refining capacity. aka build more refineries. This is exactly what needs to happen.

Its about time that a politician thinks with the right mindset to actually help the problem. Unfortunately, implementing this plan will undoubtedly fail, because as you know, politicians are rarely part of the solution, just merely dangling a solution that is nothing but a mirage.

But maybe if we speak up loud enough, we can push through this REAL change.

Viva Liberty!

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