Monday, May 19, 2008

I'm Sorry, but thats not how it works

Well it looks to me like Mr Obama-bin-Socialist has it all wrong. He has it all wrong about the campaign trail. He was on Good Morning America this morning saying that the GOP needs to lay off his wife, and that all focus should be on him. I agree only partially to this mentality.

First off it is not only the GOP that is attacking his wife and her credibility, it is also the media, the same media that panders to him and Hitlary. Now while he is the candidate and attacks should be pointed at him, it also goes the same for anyone campaigning on his behalf. So if it is a celebrity, they are open to criticism. This is just the way it is.

So with that said, his wife HAS been campaigning for him, remember the "proud" statement she made, it was said while campaigning for her husband. So i am sorry, but if you have your wife campaigning for you, she is then open game when it comes to campaign and media attacks. It is the same for Hitlary. Bill campaigns for her, and guess what, he is open to attack and criticism. Mr McSocialist's wife is different since she has not been campaigning for him. She may have been along for the ride, but hasn't been on a separate campaigning spree for her husband, like the other spouses have. But if she starts, then ring the bell, because she just entered the fight.

In closing, if you do not want your wife to be under the thumb of the media and the opposition there are two things to do. 1) Do not put her campaigning for you. 2)Don't campaign yourself. Everyone knows that when you run for political office, especially on of this "stature" your whole family is brought under the magnifying glass, not just you.

It is almost hilarious how politicians think that they can just change the rules when they don't like the outcome. He can tell others to get off of his wife, while he and his backers attack the other spouses and candidates.

Just wait and see what it will be like if he wins the presidency!

Viva Liberty!

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