Thursday, May 15, 2008

Open The Flood Gates

Ok, i know that what i am about to post is going to open the flood gates. I will get a good bit a praise for what i say from some, but i will condemned by others. But what the heck, i can't please everyone with my views.

California's Supreme Court had just passed down a ruling on Same Sex Marriages. They have struck the ban on same sex marriages unconstitutional. Therefore, coming soon in California, these will be legal.

Now for saying what will definitely piss some people off. Now i am going to start off by saying, i do not agree with homosexuality. I personally do not think it is right. But it a choice that we have the ability to make (i won't get into the whole discussion about whether you are born gay or straight). As a Christian i beleive we are given the right by G-d to make our own choices, right or wrong. With it being said that G-d gives us free choice. Why should government be any different.

So i agree with this ruling by the California Supreme Court. The constitution mentions nothing about excluding people due to their sexual preference from the marriage claim. So i hail the Supreme Court for upholding the Constitution for the rights of all.

Now i know i have pissed some off with my statement about my feelings on homosexuality, and i have also pissed some off for my take on the court's ruling. But like i have said numerous times, I must as a Libertarian stand up for ALL peoples rights, not just those whom i agree with. We Must not Stomp on the constitution when we don't agree with the topic, but hold up from the Mountaintops when it is something we do agree with. That is one of the main problems with the people of this country, no one wants to stand up for people unlike themselves.

The Constitution is something that we must adhere to and stand up for at all times, regardless of what we feel about other people or their differing view.

Viva Liberty!

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