Friday, May 16, 2008

Freedom of Information Act - Only when the Mayor's not involved

Well it is my understanding that since the government is paid for by taxpayer money, that they are to be held accountable by us taxpayers. That is why we have the Freedom Of Information Act that allows us to check up on our politicians to see what they are doing. The only thing that doesn't apply, understandably, are items of national security, but that should be the only thing.

So i'm sure you all have heard of the case of the Mayor of Detroit and the case surrounding him and the perjury charges against him and an aide that came from actions that involved him. Basically him and another city employee had relations during work hours, on government property, and involved government money.

Well part of his trial centered around cell phone records dealing with the text messages between the two culprits. There were, from the report, many steamy, descriptive text messages between the the two of them. Mainly during office hours.

Now the embattled mayor is looking to change the rule to keep all cell phone records private on his government employee's cell phones.

This is a blatant violation of the public trust. He can not keep public information private just because it pictures him in the wrong light.

I hope the citizens of Detroit will stand up against the tyrannical ideas of this public figure, and public figures like him.

Viva Liberty!

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