Sunday, May 4, 2008

The Senate Gets One Right....

The Senate actually gets one right for a change. I know it is a rare thing these days, but it is actually true. The Senate has voted on a bill that keeps around 2 million dollars from being added to the deficit. I know it is not much, but just getting politicians to say no on spending money is tougher than getting your wife to not buy a pair of shoes for every outfit they own.

The Senate has voted no to a Reconstruction Bill for Iraq. The bill would have given money to Iraq to help them rebuild and also help them fund their security forces. It is past time for them to stand up and pay their own way. Iraq is bringing in billions in oil revenue, why can't they use their own money to rebuild, and also why can't they start chipping in to help us by paying us back for all the money we have spent on them.

Its about time they congress stand up and make the right choices with our money. Now if we can get them stop the wasteful spending and get back the money they steal from us, we will be better off in this country.

Viva Liberty!

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