Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Politicians Backward Thinking

I came across another disturbing example of what politicians will do when they don't have the money they want.

Before i explain, if you are short of money, what do you do? You have a multitude of options to get you out of the financial crunch. They include get another full time job (i do know a few people that do this), get a part time job, your spouse gets a job (if your spouse doesn't work), you sell some of your belongings, and the most important - you cut back on your spending.

Well it looks like Californians are facing a $20 billion budget shortfall for the state. And for the politicians, like most politicians, it only makes sense to find or borrow the money, instead of cutting back on spending to cover the deficit.

Well in a fit of brilliance on the part of "The Arnold", he has an idea of borrowing money from future lottery sales. He wants to sell bonds, backed by future lotterysales, to fill in the deficit money and put some in a "reserve Fund". Now the reserve fund idea, i feel, is a great idea. I mean what do we as Americans do, we save for a "rainy day". Government should be doing the same, because in a recessionary time there would be additional funds to help out.

So instead of cutting back useless programs they will borrow money that will enevitably result in a deficit within the next few years, that will cause them to borrow more money or cause them to raise taxes.

Unbelievable! Is lack of common sense a requirement to be a politicians? And why aren't we as citizens holding their feet to the fire to do what we require them to do.

Viva Liberty!

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